Redeeming Store Credit
There a several ways you can handle Store Credit redemption in your shop. Which way you choose depends on your store's design and wich way you think your customers will be most comfortable with. The following list ranks the different ways from simple (1-Click) to completely custom:
- Using the memberr Widget
- Using a Cart Checkbox
- Checkbox at Checkout (only available for Shopify plus)
1. Redeeming using the memberr Widget
The memberr Store Credit widget displays a small widget to your customers when the visit the store. When users are signed in they can use it to view their current Store Credit balance and select the amount of Store Credit they want to apply to their next purchase. To activate the memberr Store Credit widget simply open your theme and activate the memberr widget from the left hand sidebar.
Notice: For the widget to be visible you also need to activate your Store Credit program. Learn how to activate it here.
Activating the memberr SC Widget
2. Redeeming using Checkbox in Cart
To integrate directly into a custom checkout cart you need to manually add the necessary code into your shop theme. Below there is in example on how this might look. If you have troubles implementing this please do not hesitate to contact our support.
3. Redeeming using Checkbox at Checkout (only available for Shopify plus)

Open the shopify theme editor and select Checkout and customer accounts
page from the page dropdown in the top center of your screen.
Then select the Checkout
page from the same dropdown. You can then add the redeem checkbox block in the left hand sidebar.