
Referral Program Metaobject

The Referral Program metaobject allows you to configure and manage referral rewards for both referring and referred customers. This documentation covers how to access and use the metaobject in your Shopify store.

Accessing the Metaobject

To access the Referral Program metaobject in your liquid templates, use the following code:

{%- assign referral_program = shop.metaobjects.app--60169453569--referral_program.v2 -%}
{% if referral_program %}
<p>{{ referral_program.is_active }}</p>
{% endif %}

Available Fields

The Referral Program metaobject contains the following fields:

Field NameTypeDescription
is_activeBooleanControls whether the referral program is currently active
referring_customer_gets_typeTextType of reward for referring customer ('PERCENTAGE' or 'FIXED')
referring_customer_gets_value_percentageDecimalPercentage reward for referring customer
referring_customer_gets_value_moneyMoneyFixed amount reward for referring customer
referring_customer_expiry_daysIntegerDays until referring customer's reward expires
referring_customer_availability_delay_daysIntegerDays before referring customer's reward becomes available
referred_customer_gets_typeTextType of reward for referred customer ('PERCENTAGE', 'FIXED' or 'FREE_SHIPPING')
referred_customer_gets_value_percentageDecimalPercentage reward for referred customer
referred_customer_gets_value_moneyMoneyFixed amount reward for referred customer
referred_customer_minimum_order_valueMoneyMinimum order value required for referred customer
referred_customer_must_be_new_customerBooleanWhether the referred customer must be new
cookie_duration_in_daysIntegerDuration of the referral tracking cookie

Example Usage

Here's a complete example of how to display the Referral Program settings in your Liquid template:

{%- comment -%} Referral Program {%- endcomment -%}
{%- assign referral_program = shop.metaobjects.app--60169453569--referral_program.v2 -%}
{% if referral_program %}
<h2>Referral Program</h2>
<table class="program-table">
<th colspan="2">Program Status</th>
<td>Is Active</td>
<td>{{ referral_program.is_active }}</td>
<th colspan="2">Referring Customer Rewards</th>
<td>Reward Type</td>
<td>{{ referral_program.referring_customer_gets_type }}</td>
{% if referral_program.referring_customer_gets_type == 'PERCENTAGE' %}
<td>Reward Amount</td>
<td>{{ referral_program.referring_customer_gets_value_percentage }}%</td>
{% elsif referral_program.referring_customer_gets_type == 'FIXED' %}
<td>Reward Amount</td>
<td>{{ referral_program.referring_customer_gets_value_money.value | money }}</td>
{% endif %}
<td>Expiry Days</td>
<td>{{ referral_program.referring_customer_expiry_days }}</td>
<td>Availability Delay</td>
<td>{{ referral_program.referring_customer_availability_delay_days }}</td>
<th colspan="2">Referred Customer Rewards</th>
<td>Reward Type</td>
<td>{{ referral_program.referred_customer_gets_type }}</td>
{% if referral_program.referred_customer_gets_type == 'PERCENTAGE' %}
<td>Reward Amount</td>
<td>{{ referral_program.referred_customer_gets_value_percentage }}%</td>
{% elsif referral_program.referred_customer_gets_type == 'FIXED' %}
<td>Reward Amount</td>
<td>{{ referral_program.referred_customer_gets_value_money.value | money }}</td>
{% endif %}
<td>Minimum Order Value</td>
<td>{{ referral_program.referred_customer_minimum_order_value.value | money }}</td>
<td>Must Be New Customer</td>
<td>{{ referral_program.referred_customer_must_be_new_customer }}</td>
<th colspan="2">Program Settings</th>
<td>Cookie Duration</td>
<td>{{ referral_program.cookie_duration_in_days }} days</td>
{% endif %}

Field Details

Field NameTypePurposeUsage
is_activeBooleanControls the overall activation state of the referral programUse this to conditionally enable or disable the entire referral functionality
referring_customer_gets_typeTextDefines how the referring customer's reward is calculatedCan be either 'percentage' or 'fixed', determines which value field to use
referring_customer_gets_value_percentageDecimalPercentage-based reward for referring customerOnly used when referring_customer_gets_type is 'percentage'
referring_customer_gets_value_moneyMoneyFixed amount reward for referring customerOnly used when referring_customer_gets_type is 'fixed'
referring_customer_expiry_daysIntegerNumber of days until the referring customer's reward expiresUse to communicate reward expiration to customers
referring_customer_availability_delay_daysIntegerDays before referring customer's reward becomes availableHelps manage the delay between referral and reward availability
referred_customer_gets_typeTextDefines how the referred customer's reward is calculatedCan be either 'percentage' or 'fixed', determines which value field to use
referred_customer_gets_value_percentageDecimalPercentage-based reward for referred customerOnly used when referred_customer_gets_type is 'percentage'
referred_customer_gets_value_moneyMoneyFixed amount reward for referred customerOnly used when referred_customer_gets_type is 'fixed'
referred_customer_minimum_order_valueMoneyMinimum purchase amount required for referred customer to qualifyUse to enforce minimum spend requirements for referral rewards
referred_customer_must_be_new_customerBooleanControls whether only new customers can receive referral rewardsUse to restrict referral rewards to new customer acquisition
cookie_duration_in_daysIntegerNumber of days the referral tracking cookie remains validDetermines how long a referral link remains associated with a customer

Best Practices

Always check if the metaobject exists before accessing its properties:

{% if referral_program %}
// Your code here
{% endif %}

Handle both reward types appropriately:

{% if referral_program.referring_customer_gets_type == 'PERCENTAGE' %}
{{ referral_program.referring_customer_gets_value_percentage }}%
{% else %}
{{ referral_program.referring_customer_gets_value_money.value | money }}
{% endif %}

Remember to use .value for money fields and to format monetary values using the money filter:

{{ referral_program.referred_customer_minimum_order_value.value | money }}

Consider the delay and expiry periods when displaying reward information:

{% assign available_date = 'now' | date: '%s' | plus: referral_program.referring_customer_availability_delay_days | times: 86400 | date: '%Y-%m-%d' %}
Reward will be available on: {{ available_date }}